Luck is on your side!🍀We’re hiring - apply today and start making a difference this spring!   ¡La suerte está de tu lado!🍀¡Estamos contratando! ¡Presenta tu solicitud hoy y comienza a marcar la diferencia esta primavera!
16 days ago, Alicia Price
March 2025
March 2025
Elementary Basketball Championship Saturday
28 days ago, Michael Hawkins
Thank you to Tulsa Mayor Monroe Nichols for visiting our MS and HS students during Black History Month. Mr. Bush, thank you for your leadership in making it happen!!
30 days ago, Michael Hawkins
Congratulations to Alan Jasso, West OKC Rotary Student of the Month! Congratulations to Krisha Harris (Winds West 1st Grade), West OKC Rotary Teacher of the Month! Well done, JETS!
30 days ago, Michael Hawkins
The Academic Calendar for SY 2025-26 may be found here:
about 1 month ago, Michael Hawkins
We will return to campus learning on Friday, February 21st. Morning temperatures will still be very low, so wear layers with hats and gloves and resist the urge to dress like a middle school boy (shorts, hoodie, and crocs)!
about 1 month ago, Michael Hawkins
Due to forecasted winter weather conditions, all students will shift to distance learning tomorrow, February 18, and Wednesday, February 19. WHPS district offices will be closed and staff will be working remotely unless otherwise directed by their supervisor. All after-school activities are canceled. Student packets were distributed last week. If you have questions about your student's work, please email their teachers directly. Staff emails are located on the site websites under MENU then STAFF. Please stay safe and weather-aware and we thank you for your continued support of WHPS.
about 1 month ago, Michael Hawkins
UPDATE: Bond 2024 Two new buses have arrived and are being outfitted with GPS programming before hitting the streets. THANK YOU, VOTERS!
about 1 month ago, Michael Hawkins
THANK YOU, WESTERN HEIGHTS! We are excited to announce that the bond has passed! Because of your support, our schools are Soaring to Excellence! This investment in our students and community will bring important improvements for the future. We appreciate everyone who took the time to vote and be part of this journey. Jets Unite! #JetsUnite #SoaringToExcellence
about 1 month ago, Michael Hawkins
Congratulations to our Bravo from Betty winners 2/7/25 #schoolbond2025 #dontforgettovote
about 2 months ago, Tallie Lambert
The bond election is tomorrow! Learn about the proposed improvements and how they will help our students soar to success at #JetsUnite, Soaring to Excellence!
about 2 months ago, Michael Hawkins
Western Heights High School principal, Ms. Kandy Hunt, spoke with students about the proposed 2025 bond. Make sure to go out and vote next week, February 11th! #JetsUnite, Soaring to Excellence!
about 2 months ago, Michael Hawkins
Our Western Heights High School students had the opportunity to speak with Winds West Elementary School’s principal, Ms. Liz Bean, and ask questions about the proposed 2025 bond. Don’t forget to go out and vote on February 11th!
about 2 months ago, Michael Hawkins
See what Sergeant Johnson has to say about the proposed 2025 bond. Don’t forget to go out and vote on February 11th! #JetsUnite, Soaring to Excellence!
about 2 months ago, Michael Hawkins
Please join us in thanking our wonderful SCHOOL COUNSELORS! Council Grove - Ms. Colvin Greenvale - Ms. Jeffcoat John Glenn - Ms. Traverzo Winds West - Ms. Burton Bridgestone - Mr. Devine Middle School - Ms. Cheatham High School - Ms. Andrews High School - Ms. Wilson High School - Ms. Ille High School - Ms. Hamilton School Counselors help students focus on academic, career, and social/emotional development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society.
about 2 months ago, Michael Hawkins
WHPS Shifts to REMOTE LEARNING for Feb 4th & 5th Good evening JETS, Western Heights Public Schools will be in REMOTE LEARNING for Tuesday, February 4th and Wednesday, February 5th. Student, Staff, and Teacher attendance at WHPS has dropped significantly due to illness. Students are to work on packets / assignments provided by their teachers. Teachers and staff will be onsite to assist via messaging, e-mail, or phone. We will resume in-person classes on Thursday, February 6th. Thank you, Dr. Savage WHPS Superintendent
about 2 months ago, Michael Hawkins
Join us in celebrating the 100th day of school on Tuesday, February 4th!
about 2 months ago, Sarah Cook
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
We are so excited to announce our first Parent & Student Valentine's Dance in our school. We believe in making memories that will impact our students lives forever.
about 2 months ago, Eunice Pagan
Exciting News!!!!!!
Noticias Emocionantes!!!
2025 Western Heights Elementary Basketball League begins. Join us to cheer on our 3rd and 4th grade athletes.
2 months ago, Julie Moore
WHPS Elementary Basketball Schedule
WHPS Closed Monday Jan 20th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
2 months ago, Michael Hawkins